Fashion and home handwoven on a loom, personalized courses and artisan looms
As an artisan workshop and under the premises of quality, diversity and exclusivity, in our work you can find fashion accessories, home accessories and the possibility of making custom fabrics and/or or custom designs.
Similarly, in the workshop you can take intensive training courses to learn to weave on a loom and you can also purchase an artisan loom from the different brands that we distribute.
Our creations, scarves, shawls, rugs, cushions, blankets and more, are design pieces, unique, non-serial, woven with natural fibers, totally different from those you can find in the market, for the way of weaving, for its natural fibers and for its handmade finishes, including the washing and ironing that we give to all our pieces.
We maintain a line of basic pieces, with multiple combinations, so that each piece is unique in itself and another line of novel or peculiar pieces with drawings, densities, measurements... Totally different.
We can make ethnographic reproductions of old or traditional fabrics and we can also weave your own designs, whether you are private or professional.
We want to achieve an impeccable finish, to add these added values to all the pieces of our firm, Ana and Francis Tejedores, Natural Handwoven. They are handmade pieces, for a conscious public that knows how to appreciate quality craftsmanship, made in Spain.
Our courses are aimed at training you and learning about the trade in detail, they are personalized theoretical-practical courses, with special emphasis on practice, so you can design and weave on an artisan loom, either for leisure or for a professional purpose.
And as for the looms, we are official distributors of two brands of looms, Ashford and Kormski, both with a long history and experience in the manufacture of high quality artisan looms and duration, which facilitate hand weaving and offer us different models and possibilities.
With a personalized treatment, we always offer you a complete and direct specialized advice, through telephone consultation, online consultation or in our own workshop, as you prefer, so that you can decide and choose calmly our pieces, courses and looms that you like the most.