Projects and Associations
With our artisan firm, Ana and Francis Tejedores, we are included in different projects related to crafts and entrepreneurship in rural areas, to give more visibility to both quality crafts as well as the many possibilities offered by the rural environment.
Crafts&Music is an audiovisual project promoted by Fundesarte that highlights the connection between independent music and Spanish crafts. For this occasion we present a very special piece. By way of translation, from the music score of the singer Alis's theme, we made a graphic of artisanal fabric and presented a "musical" piece, a baby alpaca and silk scarf woven to the music of "I didn't see you coming Alis's. Craft & Music
We are included in the Open Workshops application, a guide that allows you to consult the professional artisans in the area that you consult and want to visit, launched by Fundesarte and Oficio y Arte. You can download it from here. Open Workshops
"Soul of Peoples" Project. a digital newspaper that is born to revalue and publicize the benefits of the rural environment and its people, devised by the journalist Ginés Donaire Morales. Soul of Villages
Resitiré Rural Project, a non-profit association that works to stop rural depopulation and that invited us to tell more about our project, as another example of the variety of possibilities offered by the rural environment. I will resist Rural
La Hacería, a project launched by the women's fashion designer Moises Nieto, as a search engine where you can find the work of different artisans in different disciplines. La Haceria
España Artesana, a project launched by the Contemporary Association of Arts and Crafts, as a guide where you can find quality crafts made in Spain. Artisan Spain
The guide From the Urban to the Rural Environment, Good Entrepreneurship Practices for new inhabitants. Project of the NATIONAL RURAL NETWORK, to promote and make visible the rural environment. National Rural Network Guide
With our artisan firm, Ana and Francis Tejedores, we are in different associations for the promotion and support of crafts, small business and sustainability as a form of consumption. We are present in the following associations:
Professional association of the autonomous work of businessmen and merchants of Orcera - AECO.
Úbeda Artisans.
Association Craft in Progress
Association Union of businesswomen and professionals of Jaén - JAEM.
Oficio y Arte, Organization of the artisans of Spain.
Sustainable fashion association of Spain - AMSE.